Instrument Sans是为Instrument品牌设计的一种可变无衬线英文字体,并在谷歌字体上为您开源,它在丰富的精度和微妙的俏皮音符之间取得了平衡。灵感来源于我们对新怪诞的持久兴趣。在某种程度上,这个系列的粗细、宽度和斜体代表了我们在无衬线字体中最喜欢的所有品质,同时具有现代特征,使这种字体成为我们独特的字体。
A variable sans-serif designed for the Instrument brand, and open-sourced for you on google fonts.Instrument Sans is a variable sans-serif which balances an abundance of precision with subtle notes of playfulness. Inspiration was drawn from our enduring interest in neo-grotesques. In a way, this family of weights, widths, and italics represent an orchestration of all of our favorite qualities in a sans-serif while featuring contemporary characteristics that make this typeface distinctly our own.
Featuring 12 unique stylistic sets, commonly-used characters can be replaced with alternate glyphs in a variety of combinations to tailor the appearance and legibility of messaging. This flexibility allows for a wide range of expressive styles, making it easy to mold it to perfectly suit whatever style of expression is needed.
本字体以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 开源字型授权版本1.1,简称SIL OFL 或OFL)授权协议发布,这个授权的自由度非常高:
✔ 这款字体无论是个人还是企业都可以自由免费商用,无需知会或者标明原作者。
✔ 这款字体可以自由传播、分享,或者将字体安装于系统、软件或APP中也是允许的,可以与任何软件捆绑再分发以及/或一并销售。
✔ 这款字体可以自由修改、改造。但修改或改造后的字体也必须同样以SIL Open Font License 1.1授权公开。
✘ 这款字体禁止用于违法行为,如因使用这款字体产生纠纷或法律诉讼,作者不承担任何责任。
✘ 根据SIL Open Font License 1.1的规定,禁止单独出售字体文件(OTF/TTF文件)的行为。
关于SIL Open Font License 1.1授权协议的内容、免责事项等详细细节,请查看详细的License授权文件的内容。
字体来源出处2: (需要科学上网才能打开)