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Markazi Text介紹

這種字體設計的靈感來自Tim Holloway的Markazi字體,在他的鼓勵下,由Gerry Leonidas作為雷丁大學和谷歌的聯合項目發起。阿拉伯字體由Borna Izadapanah設計,Fiona Ross指導設計,是一種對比度適中的文字字體。它從屢獲殊榮的Markazi字體中汲取靈感,提供了一種現代且可讀性強的字體。補充拉丁字體是由Florian Runge設計的。它與阿拉伯同行保持著精神上的一致,呼應了關鍵的設計特點,同時植根於既定的拉丁傳統。這是一個開放和清晰的設計,緊湊的立場和流暢的節奏。阿拉伯語和拉丁語都有四種重量,並提供適用於打印和屏幕的擴展語言支持。

This typeface design was inspired by Tim Holloway’s Markazi typeface, with his encouragement, and initiated by Gerry Leonidas as a joint University of Reading and Google project. The Arabic typeface, designed by Borna Izadpanah and design directed by Fiona Ross, is a text typeface with moderate contrast. It takes its cues from the award-winning Markazi typeface, affording a contemporary and highly readable typeface. The complementary Latin typeface was designed by Florian Runge. It keeps in spirit with its Arabic counterpart, echoing key design characteristics while being rooted in established Latin traditions. It is an open and clear design with a compact stance and an evenly flowing rhythm. Both Arabic and Latin are available in four weights with extended language support suited for print and screen.



本字體以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 開源字型授權版本1.1,簡稱SIL OFL 或OFL)授權協議發佈,這個授權的自由度非常高:

✔ 這款字體無論是個人還是企業都可以自由免費商用,無需知會或者標明原作者。

✔ 這款字體可以自由傳播、分享,或者將字體安裝於系統、軟件或APP中也是允許的,可以與任何軟件捆綁再分發以及/或一併銷售。

✔ 這款字體可以自由修改、改造。但修改或改造後的字體也必須同樣以SIL Open Font License 1.1授權公開。

✘ 這款字體禁止用於違法行為,如因使用這款字體產生糾紛或法律訴訟,作者不承擔任何責任。

✘ 根據SIL Open Font License 1.1的規定,禁止單獨出售字體文件(OTF/TTF文件)的行為。

關於SIL Open Font License 1.1授權協議的內容、免責事項等詳細細節,請查看詳細的License授權文件的內容。



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安裝後在PS、AI、word等軟件中若找不到該字體,可搜索名字「Markazi Text」。