Aboreto是一種基於文藝復興早期巨幅字母設計的字體,由15世紀佛羅倫薩雕塑家Luca della Robbia創作。字體並不是一種簡單的數字化(它甚至不可能是,因為早期的拉丁字母表沒有包括我們今天使用的所有字母),而是一種考慮到當前需求和技術的復興。
Aboreto is a display typeface based on early renaissance majuscule alphabet done by Luca della Robbia, a 15th century Florentine sculptor. The typeface is not a straightforward digitalization (it even couldn’t be as the early Latin alphabet didn’t include all the letters we use today) but more of a revival which keeps current needs and technologies in mind.
Aboreto has vertical stress, a feature more typical of later-century typefaces. Another uniqueness lies in the construction, because it is essentially a sans-serif typeface that has only occasional indication of serifs – either via the “hidden” serifs caused by stroke tapering or by slightly thickening the stroke endings.
Aboreto comes in one weight – a high contrast regular that is on the thinner side.
本字體以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 開源字型授權版本1.1,簡稱SIL OFL 或OFL)授權協議發佈,這個授權的自由度非常高:
✔ 這款字體無論是個人還是企業都可以自由免費商用,無需知會或者標明原作者。
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✔ 這款字體可以自由修改、改造。但修改或改造後的字體也必須同樣以SIL Open Font License 1.1授權公開。
✘ 這款字體禁止用於違法行為,如因使用這款字體產生糾紛或法律訴訟,作者不承擔任何責任。
✘ 根據SIL Open Font License 1.1的規定,禁止單獨出售字體文件(OTF/TTF文件)的行為。
關於SIL Open Font License 1.1授權協議的內容、免責事項等詳細細節,請查看詳細的License授權文件的內容。
字體來源出處2:https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Aboreto (需要科學上網才能打開)