Thank you for your interest in Silver, the premiere multi-language pixel font for games and game-likers. Silver has TRC and Lotcheck compliant gamepad buttons built right into the font, alongside a full keyboard and mouse prompts! No more overlaying images onto your text fields!
This is an on-going project and will be continuously updated with new Unicode Glyphs. The goal is to be the defacto font for pixel games and applications.
A free* pixel font for Latin, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Cherokee, Runic, Cyrillic, and other character sets.
署名4.0國際版(CC BY 4.0)本許可證允許以任何方式共享本作品的改編作品,並允許本作品在商業上使用,只要它屬於Poppy Works。此字體免費*供個人和商業使用。如果您在遊戲中使用該字體,請發送電子郵件給我們!我們很樂意在這裡展示您的遊戲~!
Free* License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) This license allows adaptations of this work to be shared in any way, and this work to be used commercially, as long as it's attributed to Poppy Works. This font is free* for personal and commercial use. Please email us if you are using the font in your game! We'd love to feature your game here~!
* However, if the budget of your production exceeds $100,000 USD in total spend or earnings, or if you require urgent support, please contact hello@poppy.works to license this font.
署名4.0國際版(CC BY 4.0):https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.zh