Dongle(동글) 是一種圓形的無襯線字體。這是一個模塊化的韓文與非方形框架,創造了一個有趣和有節奏的運動。名字叫Dongle(동글) 來自韓國擬聲詞,意思是“圓形或彎曲的形狀(有可愛的印象)”。
它是專門為Hangeul排版設計的,但它也包括拉丁字母作為KS X 1001的一部分。這種字體有一個輕,規則和大膽的重量。
Dongle(동글) 是“Dongle Hangeul”的修訂名稱(동글한글)' 2012年發佈。它由一整套現代漢語音節(11172個字符)、谷歌拉丁語加號集以及KS X 1001中的標點符號組成。
Dongle Hangeul Light,Medium,Bold於2012年發佈。
Dongle was originally designed as a 'Jamo(consonant and vowel in Hangeul) typing module' for the author's student project. Later it revised into ‘syllabic module’ to be released to the public. As the character size varies according to the syllable structure, Dongle typeface is much smaller compared to other square frame Korean typefaces. Therefore, it is better to adjust the font size visually to your liking, rather than relying on the point size of the editing program.
It is designed especially for Hangeul typography, but it also includes Latin alphabet as a part of KS X 1001. This typeface has a light, regular, and bold weight.
Dongle(동글) is a revised name of 'Dongle Hangeul(동글한글)' which was released in 2012. It consists of a full set of modern Hangeul syllables(11,172 characters), Google Latin plus set, and punctuations and symbols in KS X 1001.
Dongle Hangeul Light, Medium, Bold were released in 2012.
Some of the Latin alphabets and symbols are revised for Ver.2.0 in 2020.
'Medium' weight is renamed to 'Regular' in Ver.2.0
本字體以SIL Open Font License 1.1(SIL 開源字型授權版本1.1,簡稱SIL OFL 或OFL)授權協議發佈,這個授權的自由度非常高:
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